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Gum disease and tooth ridge treatments

「Laser treatment to kill bacteria, sterilise deeper areas, and tighten the gums」

The more pathogenic bacteria build up in the gums, the more they release toxins and create bacteria colonies in the deeper gum pockets. The key bacteria appearing through this accumulation are powerful, and cannot be properly removed even by professional cleaning (which removes bacteria as far as possible).
We therefore irradiate the gum pockets with a laser after cleaning. The heat and light of the laser dissolves any remaining tartar in the deeper sections of the gum pockets, destroys microbes and bacteria, and sterilises these areas of any toxins.
As well as invigorating the fibroblast that generates collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, the components of your inner skin, this treatment sterilises the gums through evaporation, activating the capillaries and promoting healing.
Non-laser treatment is possible, but it is more invasive, and harder to get satisfactory results, giving statistically-significant difference in outcomes.

The important point is to combine professional cleaning and laser irradiation… Treatment including laser usage is dramatically more effective and faster, and shows better results.

※Cases of mild or medium gum disease will show benefits from two or three irradiations

※For medium to severe gum disease, we recommend a course of 5-7 treatments


Gum disease treatments

Gum disease examination, saliva examination, CT scan + Professional cleaning (PMTC) + Laser treatment of gum pockets + tooth ridge care (with laser)

Basic course (2 sessions)

¥48,000(+ consumption tax)

3-session course

¥76,000 (+ consumption tax)

5-session course (for medium to severe cases)※

¥132,000 (+ consumption tax)

7-session course (for severe cases)※

¥185,000 (+ consumption tax)

If on review surgical treatment of the gums is required (if no improvement in symptoms is expected), we will consult with you again about the details of gum surgical treatment.

Gum surgical treatments

Gum structure regeneration therapy

from¥100,000(+ consumption tax)

Root coverage - CTG Envelope technique

from¥100,000(+ consumption tax)

Free Gingival Graft (FGG)

from¥130,000(+ consumption tax)

Connective Tissue Graft (CTG)

from¥130,000(+ consumption tax)

Alveolar ridge expansion

from¥100,000(+ consumption tax)

Other Treatments



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