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Intravenous sedation

「A reliable way of reducing the anxiety and tension of dental treatments」

Intravenous sedation refers to the injection of a highly-effective sedative into a blood vessel.
"I'm afraid of going to the soon as I sit in the dentist's chair my heart starts pounding and my blood pressure goes up...I wish there was an easy way to get a lot of teeth done at once...I want to go to the dentist, but I just can't seem to find the time..."
If this is you, we provide support in combination with a specialist dental anesthetist (female) so that you can receive trouble-free and appropriate treatment.
With sedation and the use of vital monitors (to check blood pressure, pulse rate, electrocardiogram etc.) you can be confident and relax during your treatment. Please contact us directly to discuss details and to learn about procedures involved.

To enable us to respond appropriately to any situations that may occur during treatment, we monitor the physical condition of our patients using vital monitors.

Intravenous sedatio image Intravenous sedatio image

When patients with high blood pressure or heart disease are undergoing medical procedures involving blood loss (for instance a tooth extraction or implant operation), this enables us to monitor the condition of your whole body during the operation, keeping you safe.


Intravenous sedation (per treatment)

¥80,000(+ consumption tax)

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