I was 40 when I started orthodontic treatment for the second time. (The first time was chin cup correction to prevent my jaw from jutting out when I was at primary school.) This time it was just the lower teeth, and my (personal) idea for the treatment was to use a standard orthodontic (ceramic) bracket to pull back all the lower teeth, and in particular just one front tooth that was sticking out. To get the teeth into a nice line, you need enough space to line them up in. Broadly speaking, there are five ways to create this space (allow me to skip the details here).
The choice in my case was between the following two:
1 IPR/Stripping:
The enamel surfaces of the front 6-8 teeth are filed away where they touch each other, to create small spaces between them.
2. Removal of a tooth:
Most common is to remove a premolar (4th from the front), but in my case I would remove the front tooth that was already sticking out.
These were the two options.
It seemed, however, that my orthodontist Dr. X had already made up his mind, and he said “it may be quickest just to remove the front tooth that is sticking out…”
Remove a front tooth…?!
An orthodontist friend advised me definitely not to remove it.
I did some research on it.
But Dr. X said “Even if I remove the front tooth, it won’t cause any major problems”, so I believed him, and opted to have it removed…
The results were disastrous…
The treatment went smoothly, and my teeth came backward into my mouth, and were nicely aligned, as I had been told would happen.
My teeth were just slightly wobbly, and since I was going to have some prosthetic work done (caps on the teeth), I was told that it was fine for the orthodontic treatment not to be perfect, so long as the teeth were more or less aligned as in the diagnostic mould.
So I was pleased that the treatment had gone smoothly without causing much pain…One day a few weeks later, Dr. X said “It might be better if we brought the back left four teeth slightly further forward…”
“What? I’m going to have prosthetic work on four of the back teeth, and my bite is currently really good…”
The moment I expressed this opinion he interrupted, and gave me his view as a specialist orthodontist…To be honest I didn’t really agree, but he forced me to start further corrective treatment…
That night, one of my back teeth suddenly complained when I put some pressure on it. It was incredibly painful.I couldn’t sleep…ohh, Gosh,,,
(The pain also stopped me from sleeping on the day I first had an orthodontic bracket fixed, but this was incomparably worse.)
I got through by taking a couple of headache tablets (I had been told the first time not to take Loxonin because it hampers the movement of the teeth). The following day, I couldn’t bite even salad leaves, and my tooth even hurt when the hairs of my toothbrush touched it…
I wept…This pain was not normal…
It went on for maybe seven days.
After that, I suddenly got a migraine and a pain behind my ear.
Continued in My orthodontic treatment 2…